Court Decision Protects Patient Care 340B Hospitals

The Dec. 27 federal injunction stopping cuts in 340B reimbursements for Medicare Part B drugs to some hospitals helps preserve the role academic health centers play in providing ID treatment and prevention services to patients who lack care options.

ID/HIV groups urge withdrawal of “public charge” rule expansion

HIVMA, IDSA, PIDS and RWMPC submitted public comments to the Department of Homeland Security, asking the administration to seriously consider implications of the “public charge” rule on health of immigrants and their families and access to treatment preventive services for communicable diseases, and to withdraw the proposed rule.

Opinion Piece Targets Policies, Not Conference

On World AIDS Day, The Hill Congress blog published an opinion piece I wrote to draw attention to policies that compromise U.S. leadership of global AIDS responses, and the success of responses at home.

Congress Recognizes Value of PEPFAR with Reauthorization; Funding Increases will be Critical

The Senate's approval Wednesday of legislation reauthorizing the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, following House approval earlier this month, acknowledges the critical role this groundbreaking program has played in reversing the trajectory of the AIDS pandemic, and strengthening responses against infectious diseases worldwide.

Draft PrEP Recommendation Can Widen Access to Proven HIV Prevention Intervention

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Draft Recommendation of an “A” grade for prevention of HIV infection with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis released today holds the potential to facilitate access to a proven and valuable intervention for people who are exposed to higher risks of HIV infection.

Climbing Hepatitis C Rates Underscore Needs for Integrated Care, Increased Resources

Data showing a tripling of hepatitis C cases across America during the last decade highlight urgent and multi-faceted public health needs for expanded access to prevention, screening and treatment in addition to integrated health services that provide care for substance use disorders and associated infectious diseases.

Policies marginalizing transgender people run counter to science, public health

The administration’s reported intention to redefine gender based entirely on sex at birth disregards not only current biologic science but also established, prevailing medical and legal standards, while re-enforcing stigma and discrimination against transgender people.

HIVMA Joins Brief Challenging Short-Term Health Plans

The administration’s expansion of short-term, limited duration health plans threatens access to healthcare coverage and services for people with HIV and millions of other Americans with pre-existing conditions who under the Affordable Care Act gained needed protections from discriminatory health insurer practices.

Preparation for Public Health Impacts of Hurricanes will be Critical

The Department of Health and Human Services declaration that the impending landfall of Hurricane Michael on Florida’s panhandle poses a public health emergency is one of a series of steps that will be critical to addressing the medical needs and infectious disease impacts that accompany catastrophic storms and their aftermaths.

Physicians Honored at IDWeek 2018 for Contributions to HIV Clinical Education and Research

Two exceptional individuals are being honored by HIVMA this week at IDWeek 2018. HIVMA is pleased to recognize the following individuals for excellence in the field of HIV medicine:

HIVMA Names W. David Hardy, MD, as Chair of its Board of Directors

HIVMA is pleased to announce the election of four new members to its Board of Directors and to name W. David Hardy, MD, as its new Chair. HIVMA is dedicated to promoting quality HIV care and advocating for policies that ensure a comprehensive and humane response to the global AIDS pandemic.

STD Report Underscores Urgent Public Health and Research Needs

Showing a more than 100 percent increase in the numbers of infants affected by syphilis during the last five years, unprecedented incidence of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia, and the spread of gonorrhea resistant to multiple treatments, the 2017 STD Surveillance Report released by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control today represents a call for immediate and responsive action.