2017 HIVMA Medical Student Program Award Winners

HIVMA, IDSA and PIDS Release Policy Statement on the Medicaid Program, Public Health and Access to HIV Care

The Better Care Reconciliation Act and People with HIV

HIVMA Urges Senate Not to Proceed with Affordable Care Act Repeal

Administration’s Intention to Ban Transgender Individuals from Military Service

Senate Efforts to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Unsuccessful Congressional ACA Repeal Efforts

HIVMA Statement on Senate LHHS and State and Foreign Ops Funding Bills

Revised Cassidy-Graham ACA Repeal Plan

HIVMA Elects New Board of Director Members; Announces New Chair

HIV Medicine Association Honors 2017 Clinical Educator and Research Leaders

Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Need Urgent Aid Now to Avert Public Health Crises